
Sometimes people visit AWARE and get overwhelmed by the amount of animals we have, and also because the animals live in pens. However, not all of their lives are sad, and for the most part the dogs are happy here. You must remember that some dogs are abused, hit by cars, abandoned or malnourished before coming to AWARE. These dogs were born on the street and have never known a loving family, anti flea chiropractic dog bed or 2 free meals a day. Kaya’s story is a great example of why you should keep an open mind about the animals feelings about being in AWARE.
Kaya was rescued off the streets with her 9 puppies. The puppies found homes but sadly Kaya did not. However, someone took pity and decided to foster Kaya while she looked for her new home. Apparently Kaya didn’t like this idea and decided to cause mischief and be naughty with her foster family. So Kaya was brought to AWARE. She seemed happy with us. She ate twice a day, had many dog friends and even went for a long walk daily. There must have been something special about Kaya because 7 months later she was adopted and went to live in San Cristobal. Well apparently she didn’t like it there either because she was bad again!
This time however she decided to take control of her own life, and started to walk. She walked and walked until she got to a metal gate, the AWARE gate. Where she sat and waited to be let in. Who knows how long she had walked in order to get back to Sumpango, but she must have been determined to return. I guess Kaya decided that AWARE was her home and that she was not cut out for living with humans.